by Rastislav Geschwandtner | 28 August, 2012 | Uncategorized
Well, here it is. The very last day of this year’s Tinkering School Bratislava. We have done two weeks of projects, designing, building and tinkering. Kids have a single day left during which they should finish the Time Machine project from...
by Rastislav Geschwandtner | 20 August, 2012 | Uncategorized
Here we come again with Session Two and a new children. Well, save from Pavla who is staying for this session too. After short looking around and a short talk about our rules we head-jumped to our first project. After our last week’s fantastic experience with...
by Rastislav Geschwandtner | 19 August, 2012 | Tinkering School Bratislava, Tinkering School Bratislava, Tinkering School Bratislava, Tinkering School Bratislava
Note: Pavla helped me with writing the blog post today. Her comments are in italics. I cannot imagine a better weather for camping. After a hot summer night spent in the tents in our garden we woke up to a beautiful morning. I have no idea at what time the kids woke...
by Rastislav Geschwandtner | 18 August, 2012 | Tinkering School Bratislava
There is a long day ahead of us. Kids are not going home at 5 PM like usually, but rather staying for an evening camp fire picnic and then adventurous sleeping in tents. The weather forecast is favourable – the night is supposed to be hot, so I hope everything...
by Rastislav Geschwandtner | 16 August, 2012 | Uncategorized
This morning we had a dilemma which project to chose for today, because we had prepared more projects we could possibly do in a week. Eventually we decided to use the long hazelnut tree sticks kids brought from the forest yesterday and we will lash them together to...